Carnival in Venice. The Zanni mask.

Zanni: The Mask of Comedy and Cunning

The Zanni mask is one of the most recognizable symbols of Venetian Carnival. It features a long, curved nose and exaggerated expressions, representing the clever and comical servant from Commedia dell’arte, a popular Italian theater tradition.

Zanni was a mischievous character, always scheming to outsmart his master while entertaining the audience. In the past, actors wore this mask to perform funny and chaotic plays in the streets of Venice. Today, the Zanni mask is still a favorite among Carnival-goers who love its playful and theatrical spirit!

Vocabulary for Venice Carnival
recognizable - able to be recognized or identified from previous encounters or knowledge.
curved - having the form of a curve; bent.
scheming - given to or involved in making secret and underhand plans.
коварный, строящий интриги
to outsmart - defeat or get the better of (someone) by being clever or cunning.
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Zanni mask.

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Zanni mask.

Vocabulary for Venice Carnival
to spread among - to divide something between several or many people
распространять(ся) среди
in order to - so that. to express the purpose of something
для того, чтобы
  • Phrasal verb of the day
    Фразовый глагол дня
  • To turn up
  • to arrive at an event, often unexpectedly
    прибыть на мероприятие, часто неожиданно
What do you remember? (Vocab)
Take the quiz
The Zanni mask is easily ____ because of its long nose and funny expressions.
The nose of the mask is often long and ____, giving it a comical and exaggerated look.
The Zanni character is always ____ and coming up with clever plans to trick others.
In Commedia dell’arte, Zanni tries ____ his wealthy masters and get what he wants.
The tradition of wearing the Zanni mask began in Venice but later started ____ theaters across Europe.
Actors wore the mask ____ create a funny and clever servant character on stage.
Great work! Well done!
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Questions to discuss with your teacher:
  1. What famous comedy characters do you know?
  2. Have you seen The Barber of Seville? What character would be fit for Zanni mask? Why?
  3. What are necessary traits for this character?
  4. Do you think it's better to be a smart servant or stupid master? Why?