01 Hello p4-5
3 Game! Stand in a line. Ask and answer.
A:Hi, I'm Maria. What's your name?
B: I'm Isabella. Hi, I;m Isabella. What's your name?
C: My name is David....
4 Listen and do the Alphabet Rap.
A,B,C,D,E,F,G, Say rhw alphabet, say it with me!
H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P, is funny as you can see. R,S,T, U and V four letters and we are free. W,X,Y and shhh-Z is sleepy, so are we!
5 Complete the wordswith the letters in the box. Say the letters:
t h g x l s
1 girl
2 bo....
6 fis....

6 Listen and tick the letters you hear.
1 A E I
2 G J C
3 W U Y
4 B D P
5 M N F
6 I J Y
7 Work in pairs. Say the alphabet. Stop when the teacher tells you. Your partner says what comes next.
-A,B,C , Stop- D,E
8 Listen to the surnames. Complete the missing letters. Check with your partner.
2 _R_I_
3 _A_E_____
4 __G__N-
9 Work in pairs. Ask your partner's surname. Write it down.
A: What's your surname?
B: Brown.
A: How do you spell that?
B: B-R-O-W-N.
1 Watch or listen and read. Who is not from the UK?

2 Look at the photos and read. Complete the children's hobbies.
1 Jen making cupcakes
2 Alex computers and ____
3 Lian all ____
4 Lucas _____and Maths
Text: Hi, my name is Jen. I'm ten years old. My hobby is making cupcakes. -Hi, I'm Alex. I'm twelve. My hobbies are computers and computer games! -Hi, I'm Lian and I;m twelve. My hobby is skateboarding. Ilove all the sports, really.- Hello, my name is Lucas. I'm from Spain but I'm in the UK now. My hobbies are music and Maths.
0.2 Meet Dug and Kit p 6-7
This is Dug.Dug is also Superdug. Superdug is a superhero. This is Kit. Kit is very clever. She is Dug's best friend.
10 Game! StudentA :Listen to Student B and guess! Then swap roles.
A: What's your favorite colour?
B: Not pink, not brown, not white, not yellow, not gree, not red, not blue, not grey, not black , not orange.
A: It's purple!

11 Look at the picture below. Match 1-8 to a-h.
1 The elephants are - d grey

1 The elephants are
2The flowers are
3 The zebras are
4 The sky is
5 The oranges are
6 The lemons are
7 The trees are
8 The flamingos are
a blue.
b black and white.
c red.
d grey.
e green.
f pink.
g orange.
h yellow
6 two+seven=
7 five+two=
8 sixteen-twelve=
4 Write the numbers in words
1 six+six= twelve
3 two+eleven=
4 twenty-nine=
5 seventeen-three=
7 _e_e_
8 ei__t
10 t__
11 _le__n
12 t_e_v_
3 Complete the numbers
1 one
4 _o_r
5 f__e
0.3 In the classroom p 8-9
1 Vocabulary: book,coloured pencil, notebook,pen,pencil, pencil case, pencil sharpener, rubber, ruler, sandwich, scissors
2 Write a or an before the words:
3 Look at the picture. How many of these objects can you see in Jen's bag?
1 notebook ? Three notebooks
2 pencil sharpener? _______
3 rubber? ______
4 sandwich? ______
5 coloured pencil? _____
6 pencil case? _______
4 Vocabulary: bin, board, chair, clock, desk
5 Find the objects in your classroom and point to them. How many are there?
6 Guess what these objects are, then go to page 106 and check
1 It's a _____
2 There're ______
3 ______
7 Listen and repeat. (Communication box)
8 Read the expressions from ex 7. Who usually says them: Teachet or a Student?
9 Match 1-5 to a-e. Listen and check. Act out the dialogues.
1 e Can you repeat that, please?
2___ Can you help me, Miss?
3 __How do we say слон in English?
4 ___I'm ready!
5____What does amazing mean?
a We say elephant
b Good. Class, are you ready too?
c It means really good.
d Yes, Maria. How can I help you?
e Yes, Tomas. Giraffe. Giraffe. Ok?
10 Game! Be a teacher. Tell other students what to do. Use the expressions in the Communication box.
Work in pairs.
Write (your name).
Can you help me? Can you repeat (that)?
I'm ready.
What's цветной карандаш in English?
Close yourbook.
Listen (to the story).
Look (at the photo).
Open your books.
Read (the text).
Sit down.
Stand up.
5 ___ruler
1 a notebook
2 an apple
3 ___ pencil
4 ___egg
1-1.1 Family and friends p10-11
Vocabulary: brother, dad, granddad, granny, mum, sister
2 Vocabulary:
mother mum father dad parents grandfather grandad grandmother granny son daughter brother sister aunt uncle cousin
3 Complete the family words:
4 Match 1-4 to a-d
1father- b dad
5 Look at the family piramid and write the names.
1 Mark's grandfather John
2 Mark's sister _____
3 Mark's aunt ______
4 Mark's brother ______
5 Mark's cousins______ _______
6 Mark's grandmother ______
7 Mark's uncle ______
8 Mark's parents ________ _______
6 Look at the family pyramid again, Complete the sentences.
Use these names:
Mark's Julia's Rose's Tom's Paul's Peter's
1 Peter is Mark's uncle.
2 Julia is ____ sister.
3 David is ____son.
4 Anna is _____ daughter.
5 John and Agatha are ____parents.
6 Lucy is ______cousin.
7 Listen and circle T (true) or F (false). Then listen again and check your answers.
8 Draw your family pyramid. Write the names of the people from your family.
a grandad
b dad
c granny
d mum
1 father
3 mother
4 grandfather
1.2 It's granny's birthday p 12-13
Today is Sophie's birthday. She is seventy years old. Sophie is Jen and Alex's grandmother. They are at her house.
Sophie:I'm so happy you're here.
Alex: It's aunt Megan!
Megan: Helloo, Alex! Hold this, please! Be careful! It's Granny's birthday cake.
Alex: It's OK. I've got it!
Megan: Happy birthday,Mum! Here's your present.
Sophie:Thank you, my darling. Where's your son?
Megan: Jason is in Spain with his class. They're on a school trip. Here's a card from him.
Sophie: Oh, it's a lovely card!
Dad: Hello,sister!
Dad: We're ready for the cake!
Mum: Oh,no!
1 Watch or listen and read. Answer the questions.
1 How old is Jen and Alex's granny today?
2 Who is Jason?
2 Read the sentences. Circle T( true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences.
1 Granny's name is Sophie T/F
2 They are at Jen and Alex's house. T/F
3 There's a present for Granny in the box T/F
4 Jason is at home. T/F
5 Dad's Aunt Megan's brother. T/F
3 Listen and repeat. Find these expressions in the story:
Hold this,please! Be careful! I've got it!
4 Jen and Alex's mum says :
- Oh,no! Why? Choose a,b or c
a The cake is a mess.
b It's not Granny's cake.
c There's a mouse in the box
5 Watch listen and check
1.3 The terrific two. Dug's family album p14-15
1 Kit: Dug? You are a superhero. What about your family?
2 Dug: Well, my parents aren't superheros. Uncle Roberto is a superhero. He's French.
Kit: Roberto? It isn't a French name.
Dug: Sorry, you're right. Uncle Roberto isn't French. He's Spanish. Aunt Gigi is French.
3 Dug: Here I am with Mum and Dad.
Kit: You aren't happy in the photo!
Dug: No, I'm not! I'm hungry!
4 Dug: Dad's British and Mum is Polish.
Kit: OK, but....What about you? ...Dug?
5 Superdug: No idea, Kit! Bye,now!
Kit: Bye, Superdug! Be careful!
1 Look at the cartoon. How many types of dogs can you see?
2 Listeb and read. What nationality is Uncle Roberto?

3 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false).
1Uncle Roberto is a superhero T/F
2 Aunt Gigi is French. T/F
3 Dug's parents are superheroes. T/F
4 Dug is happy in the photo T/F
5 Dug's mum is British. T/F
1.4 Nice to meet you p16
1.5 My family album p17
1.5 My family album p17
1.6 Best friends listening and writing p18
1.7 Language revision p19
Get culture 1 English around the world p20-21
Ex1 Look at the map. Label countries 1-3 with the words in the box.
The UK , the USA, Australia
Ex2 People in the UK, the USA and Australia speak the same language. What language is it? Read, listen and check.
Who speaks English?
The UK The capital city of the United Kingdom, or UK, is LOndon. The UK is four diffrent countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Nothern Ireland. There are about 65 million people in the UK and English is the official language.
The USA. The USA is short for the United States of America. The capital of the USA is Washington. There are 324 million people in the USA. The speak English but about 37 million people speak Spanish too.
Australia. 24 million people live in Australia. Its capital city is Canberra and Sydney is the biggest city. Most people speak English in Australia. Here;s an unteresting fact: when it's winter in the UK and the USA, it is summer in Australia.
4 Write T(true ) or F (false)
Christmas is in the summer in Australia. ___
5 Circle the correct answer.
Sydney is in Australia/the USA.
6 Complete the sentence.
Many people speak Spanish in _____.
Ex4 Listen and match 1-4 to a-d
1 c Erin a is from the USA.
2 __Peter b is from Australia
3 __ Ollie c is from the UK.
4 __Mary d is from London,UK.
Ex5 Game! Say three facts about the UK, the USA or Australia for your partner to guess the country.
A: The capital city is Canberra.
B: It's Australia!
A Watch the video and answer the presenter's questions. Who is Harry?
B Watch the video again. Circle the correct answer a,b or c.
1 The UK is : The United Kingdom of Great Britain and____
a Scotland b Wales c Nothern Ireland.
2 People from the UK are ___
a British b English c American
3 There are ____ million people in London.
a 4 b 9 c 64
4 Queen Elizabeth is Prince's Willioam's
a grandson b grandmother c aunt

C Discuss in class. What new things did you learn form the video? Would you like to visit the UK? Why /Why not?
English around the world
The capital of Canada is.....
Its biggest cityis/ cities are...
....million people live in ....
People speak....
  • Prepare a digital presentation about one of these countries.
The Republic of Ireland, The Republic of South Africa, New Zealand, Canada
  • Write information about the country. Use these questions to help you.
How many people live in this country?
What is the capital city? What are other big cities? What language (s) do people speak there?
  • Add a map of the country, its flag and photos of important and/or interesting places.
2 Complete the sentence. Scotland is in____.
3 Number rhe contries from 1 to 3 (very big, big, small number of people).

Ex3 Look at the map and read the text again. Read tasks 1-6 and follow the instructions.
1 Circle the Australian flag.
The UK
My things p22-23 unit 2 -2.1
Find these clothes in the picture. Which are you wearing today?
coat, jeans, shoes, skirt, T-shirt, trousers
Ex 2 p23 Listen and repeat. Find the clothes in the picture on page 22
boots, cap, coat, dress, hoodie, jacket, jeans, jumper, shirt, shoes, skirt, T-shirt, top, tracksuit, trainers, trousers
Ex 3 p23 Listen and circle the word you hear.
1 T-shirt/shirt
2 jacket/jumper
3 trainers/trousers
4 shoes/skirt
5 cap/coat
6 boots/hoodie
LOOK! The T-shirt is blue.
The shoes are brown.
The jeans are blue.
Ex 4 p23 Complete the table
Is: T-shirt,____,___,____,etc.
Are:shoes, ___, ____, jeans,___

Ex5 p 23 Complete the sentences with is or are. Then look at the picture on page 22. Tick for yes or put a cross for no.
1 __ The tracksuit is black.
2 __ The dress ____yellow.
3 __ The trainers ____ red.
4 The hoodie_____ grey.
5 __ The boots ___ brown.
6 The trousers ___ green.
Ex 6 Look at your clothes and tell a partner.
My jeans are blue, my T-shirt is green and white and my trainers are red.

Ex7 p 23 Name your friend's clothes.
A: White T-shirt, blue skirt.
B: It's Natasha!
Ex8 p23 Adam and Adele are in the sports centre. Are their clothes OK? Complete the list. Tick for yes put a cross for no .
Adam: 1 T-shirt (yes) 2 jacket (no)
3 _____ (___) 4 ____(__)
Adele: 5 ___(__) 6 ____(__)
7 ____(__) 8 ____(__)
Ex9 p 23 Dress Adam and Adele for a party. Write two lists of clothes.
Adam: white T-shirt, ____
Adele: pink, dress,_____
Ex 10 p 23 Make lists of clothes you wear at school and at the weekend.
At school:
At the weekend:
My things p24-25 unit 2.2
That's my T-shirt!

1 Mum: Jen, put these clothes away, please.
Jen: Ok,Mum.
Oh,hi! What's up?
What? No!
2 Ten minutes later...
Jen: Bye,Holly!... Hangon, what are these? These aren't my jeans. They're too long! These are Mum's jeans! Yep, this top is Mum's too!
3 Mum: Jen, these are your jeans. They're too small for me!
Jen: Oops! Sorry,Mum!
Mum: And that's my top over there.
Jen: Yes, it is. Here you are!
4 Alex: Jen? ...Jen, where's my new T-shirt?
Jen: It's over there with your old T-shirts!
Alex: No, those are Dad's T-shirts!
Jen: Oh, then your T-shirt is....
Ex 1 p 24 Watch or listen and read. Are the clothes in the right place?
Ex 2 p24 Look at the photos and read the story again. Whose clothes are they? Circle the correct answer.
1 Photo 2 The jeans are Jen's/Mum's
2 Photo 3 The jeans are Jen's /Mum's
3 Photo 3 The top is Jen's/Mum's
4 Photo 4 The T-shirts are Dad's/ Alex's
Ex 3 p 24 Listen and repeat. Find these expressions in the story

What's up? Hang on! Here you are. Over there.
Ex 4 p 24 Guess! Who's got Alex's new T-shirt? Have a vote .
a Mum b Dad c Jen
Ex 5 p 24 Now watch or listen and check.
Grammar p25 this, that, these, those
This is Jen's top.( close -близко)
This top is Jen's. (close)
That is Alex's T-shirt. (far - далеко)
That T-shirt is Alex's. (far )
These are Jen's trainers. (close)
These trainers are Jen's. (close)
Those are Alex's trainers. (far)
Those trainers are Alex's. (far)
Ex 6 p 25 Circle the correct answer.
1 This /These are your trainers.
2 This/These isn't Alex's shirt.
3 This/ These shoes aren't Jen's.
4 That/Those T-shirts are Dad's.
5 That/Those is my coat.
6 That /Those boots are Mum's.
Ex 7 p 25 Complete with this, that, these or those.
1 (far - далеко) That is Alex's cap.
2 (far) _____are Jen's trousers.
3 (close - близко) ____are Dad's jeans.
4 (far) _____is Mum's top.
5 (close) _____is Alex's jacket.
Ex 10 p 25 Talk about the clothes. Use adjectives in the Vocabulary box and this, that, these or those.
A: T-shirt 1.
B: This T-shirt is cool! T-shirt 2 .
A: That Thisrt is boring. Trousers 2....
Ex8 p25 Listen and repeat.
Vocabulary box.
big, boring, cool, long, new, old, short, small
Ex 9 Look at the words in the Vocabulary. Write the opposites in your notebook.
1 big- small
Look! Her boots are too big!
His shirt is too small!
Ex 11 p 25 What's wrong with het clothes? In your notebook, write sentences with too.
1 Her skirt/long Her skirt is too long.
2 Her boots/old.
3 Her top /small.
Ex 12 p 25 Play a drawing dictation game. Use adjectives with too.
Draw a boy. His T-shirt is too small...
The terrific two 2.3 p 26-27
Girl: Are they OK?
Superdug: Yes, they are.
Girl: Thank you!
Boy: Is he a superhero?
Kit: Yes, he is. He's Superdug!
Kit: Dug! Your suit is too small!
3 Dug: This suit is cool! Size M? No. Size XL!
Kit: Are you sure, Dug?
Dug: Yes, I am.
Kit: XL is too big for you.
Dug: No, I'm a superhero! I'm big!
4 Two days later...
Kit: Thank you.
Dug: Is this box for me?
Kit: Yes, it is. What is it?
Dug: It's my new suit !

5 Dug: Ready! Am I cool in this suit?
Kit: No, you aren't. The suit is too big! Hm...Hang on!
6 Dug: Fantastic. You're a clever cat, Kit!
Ex1 p 26 Look at the cartoon. Where does Dug buy his superhero suits from?
Ex 2 p26 Listen and read. What size is Dug's new suit?
Ex 3 p26 Read the sentences. Circle T(true) or F (false)
1 The dogs are OK. T/F
2 The girl is a superhero. T/F
3 Dug's new suit is in the box. T/F
4 Dug is cool in his new suit T/F
Grammar p27 to be questions and short answers

Am I Ok? Yes,I am./ No, I'm not.
Are you OK? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't.
Is he/she/it OK? Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn't.
Are we Ok? Yes, you are./ No you aren't.
Are you OK? Yes, we are./ No, we aren't.
Are they OK? Yes, they are. /No, they aren't.
What is it? It's my new suit.
Is this shirt OK? No, it isn't.
Ex 4 p 27 Write questions. Who's asking the question? Write boy, girl, Dug or Kit.
1 they OK Are ? Are they OK? girl
2 he a superhero Is? _____ _____
3 you Are sure? _____ ____
4 for me Is this box? ____ ____
5 it What is ? ____ ____
6 cool I Am ? _____ _____
Ex 7 p 27 Listen to the questions and circle the correct answer.
1 Yes, it is./ No, they aren't.
2 Yes, you are. / No, they aren't.
3 Yes, I am./ No, you aren't.
4 Yes, they are./ No, he isn't.
5 Yes, they are. /No, you aren't.
6 Yes, we are./ No, they aren't.
Ex 5 p 27 Look at the cartoon. Answer the questions in Exercise 4.
1 Superdug: Yes, they are.
Ex 6 p 27 Complete the questions and the short answers.
1 Boy: Are you a superhero?
Kit: No, I'm not.
2 Kit: ___ we best friends?
Dug: Yes, we___.
3 Dug: ___my new suit cool?
Kit: No, it ____.
4 Kit: ___ I clever?

Dug: Yes, you___.
5 Girl: ____Superdug your brother?
Kit: No, he ____.
6 Kit: ____they your dogs?
Girl: Yes, they____
Ex8 p 27 Write questions in your notebook. Then ask the questions and give true answers.
1 you/ten years old? Are you ten years old?
2 you/happy?
3 we/friends?
4 Superdug and Kit/ cool?
5 you/clever?
6 I/ a superhero?
A: Are you ten years old?
B: Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
Ex 9 p 27 Go to page 107. Listen and chant Kit's Rap.
What's your name? 2.4 p 28
Super Backpack 2.5 p 29
What are my favorite things? 2.6 p 30
Language revision 2.7 p 31
Unit 1&2 skills revision p 32-33
In the house unit 3-3.1 p 34-35
Unit 3.2 There's phone on the sofa! p 36-37
Unit 3.3 The terrific Two p 38-39
Unit 3.4 Where's the bathroom? p 40
Unit 3.5 A skateboarder's dream p 41
Unit 3.6 My bedroom p 42
Unit 3.7 Language Revision p 43
Unit 3 Get culture p 44-45
Unit 4-4.1 About me p 46-47
Unit 4.2 I haven't got big feet ! p48-49
Unit 4.3 My favorite superhero ! p50-51
Unit 4.4 Sorry about that ! p52
Unit 4.5 Personality quiz p53
Unit 4.6 Cartoon characters p54
Unit 4.7 Language revision p55
Unit 3&4 Skills revision p56-57
Unit 5.1 Things I can do p58-59
Unit 5.2 I can fix it p 60-61
Unit 5.3 The terrific two Thank you, Superdug! p62-63
Unit 5.4 Let's do something fun! p64
Unit 5.5 Sign language p65
Unit 5.6 After school clubs p66
Unit 5.7 Language revision p67
Free time activities
Unit 5 Get culture p68-69
Unit 6 My day p70-71
Unit 6.2 I listen to classical music p72-73
Unit 6.3 Dug's busy week p74-75
Unit 6.4 I can tell time p76
Unit 6.5 A day with... Dreamtime traveler p77
Extra reference p 106 - 108
Unit 0 Lesson 0.3, p 9, exercise 6
Student A activities
Unit 1 Lesson 1.5 page 17, exersice 7
Describe the photos Use the example to help you.
A: It's mum,dad, and three sons. They are on holiday.
B: It's photo A
Unit 5 Lesson 5.5, page 65, exercise 4
Unit 7 Lesson 7.2, page 85, exercise 10
4 Granny wants to go for walks with her pet.
5 Aunt Megan loves birds.
6 Emma doesn't want a big pet.
Unit 0 Lesson 0.1, page 5, exercise 4
Alphabet Rap
ABC, D, E,F,G,
Say the alphabet, say it with me!
H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q is funny as you can see.

R,S, T, U and V four more letters and we're free.
W,X, Y and Shh...Z is sleepy, so are we!
Unit 5. Lesson 5.3, p 63, exercise 9
I can act, I can sing, I can draw a cat
I can dive, I can swim- Can you do all that?
I can act, I can sing, I can draw a cat.
I can dive, I can swim- I can do all that!
Now you rap. Use diffrent activities you know.
Unit 7 Lesson7.3, p 87, exercise 10 .
Questions Song
Do you play computer games?
Do you watch TV?
Do you hang out with your friends?
Then you're just like me!
Yes, you're just like me!
Does your mum say 'Get up now!'?
Does she count to three?
Do you say ' Oh, it's not fair!'?
Then you're just like me.
Yes, you are just like me !
Do you have your breakfast?
Do you go to school?
Do you like your English class?
Then you're really cool!
Yes, you're really cool !
Unit 2 Lesson 2.3, page 27, exercise 9
Kit's rap
Is she clever? Yes, she is.
Is she fun? She's all that!
Is she the best ? Her name's Kit and she's a cool cat!
Is she the one ?
Now you rap.
Unit 4 Lesson 4.3, p 51, exercise 9
Robot's Song
Have you got super ears,
Have you got super eyes?
Yes, we've got superpowers,
We are super guys!
Have you got super arms, or maybe a super nose?
We have got super feet
And twenty super toes!
Have you got a super boat,
Have you got a bike?
No, we've got a super car,
And its name is Mike!
Unit 3 Lesson 3.2, p 37, exercise 11
Play a drawing dictation game. Describe one of the oictures for your partner to draw.
Unit 1 Lesson 1.5, page 17, exercise 7
Describe the photos. Use the example to help you.
A: 'It's mum, dad, and three sons. They are on holiday'.
B: It's photo A.
Unit 3 Lesson 3.3 , p.39,exercise 7
Play a memory game.
Student A: Choose one of the pictures above
Close your book.
Student B: Ask Student A questions.
Then swap roles
A: Picture 1
B: Chairs?
A: There are four chairs.
Unit 7 Lesson 7.2, page 85, exercise 10
1 Alex wants to play with his pet.
2 Lucas doesn't like birds.
3 Lian's mum is allergic to cats and rabbits.
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