Tilda Publishing

Let's read a short story about tinsel.

Santa's dog helper

Lila’s dog ran through the house wearing tinsel like a scarf.
It got caught on the doorknob and dragged the whole tree down.
“Guess he’s decorating in his own way,” Lila joked.
The dog wagged his tail, now covered in glitter.

Fifteenth Day of Christmas

Vocabulary Tinsel
Tinsel - a form of decoration consisting of thin strips of shiny metal foil attached to a long piece of thread.
(to hang - hung -hung)
мишура, дождь
Loop - the curved shape made when something long and thin, such as a piece of string, bends until one part of it nearly touches or crosses another part of it

Doorknob- a round handle that you turn to open a door
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Drag down bring someone or something to a lower level or standard.
To Wag (especially with reference to an animal's tail) move or cause to move rapidly to and fro.
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Tilda Publishing
Watch a video about How to make your hair sparkle
  1. Do you have a pet ? How do you guard your tree?
  2. Do you decorate with tinsel or do you hate it?
  3. Do you dress up for Christmas, do you prefer casual clothes?
  4. Would you put tinsel in your hair or do you think it's too much?
Santa's dog helper
Take the quiz
Lucy hung shiny _______ on the Christmas tree, making it sparkle beautifully.
The dog couldn’t resist playing with the tinsel and started _______ his tail happily.
The Christmas bauble on the _______ had a golden _______ of ribbon to make it easy to hang.

Everyone laughed when he tried _______ a strand of tinsel, nearly pulling the whole tree down.
Great work! Well done!
Tilda Publishing