Tilda Publishing

Let's read a short story about Christmas decorations - an Angel on top of the Christmas tree!

To score an Angel
Anna wanted to put the angel on top of the tree by herself.
She threw it like a basketball, but it missed and hit the wall.
Her dad laughed and said, “Nice shot, but angels don’t play sports.”
Anna tried again and scored!

Tenth Day of Christmas

Vocabulary (To score an Angel)
to throw something - propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand.
бросить, кинуть
a shot - an attempt to hit a target by shooting.
-a hit, stroke, or kick of the ball in sports such as football, tennis, or golf.
-an attempt to score a goal
-an attempt to do something. (informal)
бросок, выстрел, попытка (сленг)
to score - gain (a point, goal, run, etc.) in a competitive game.
slang - to get something nice, usually a hot date
I scored myself a hot date tomorrow!
забить, выигрывать, заполучить
Tilda Publishing
Watch a video about decor - try to catch where they discuss Angel on Top decorations
  1. What was strange in the text? A secret technique of decorations?
  2. Do you have a lifehack or a secret technique for holidays? (Doesn't have to be for Christmas)
To score an Angel
Take the quiz
Instead of using a ladder, Jake tried ...a star on top of the Christmas tree.
After several tries, he managed ... perfectly, and everyone cheered.
Emily told her dad, that his throw was better than any basketball she had ever seen.
If decorating a tree was a sport, you'd ... a winning point!
Great work! Well done!
Tilda Publishing